Token-based Authentication

An Overview of Token-based Authentication


1 min read

What is Token-Based Authentication?

Token-based authentication is a security mechanism where a user authenticates once and receives a token, which is then used to access protected resources without needing to re-enter credentials. The token is typically a digitally signed string and is often JSON web tokens (JWTs) containing user information, expiration time, and authorization details. It offers credential-free access.

Different Strategies to Implement Token-Based Authentication

  1. JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication

  2. OAuth 2.0 Authentication

  3. OpenID Connect (OIDC) Authentication

Comparison between JWT Authentication and OAuth 2.0 Authentication

first-party application
an app that is created and owned by you or your organization.
third-party application
an app that is created by an external developer or other organization.
multi-tenant application
an app that serves multiple tenants (separate entities or companies whose data and configurations are isolated from each other), on a single server.
scoped permissions
a permission that is limited to a specific area or "scope" within a system.

Access Token and Refresh Token

How Tokens are different from Web Sessions?

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